In May, 2019, we will be holding two classes turning, mild, meek, everyday-folks, into killer-grillers. Don’t miss this opportunity to pick up great grill tips and to eat lots of wonderful grilled foods.
Join us!
Grillkongen Craig will be leading the courses. Use this opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the world of grilling and American barbecue, and learn the secrets to creating the most delicious meals in your backyard or at the beach.
Craig will go through the most important steps to successful grilling, and he will talk about grills, equipment, ingredients and more.

When and where?
The dates for the classes are May 7 and May 28 (both Tuesdays). We will get started at 5:00 pm (that’s 17.00 for all y’all locals) and we round off at around 10:00 pm (22.00). Meet up at Uthuset, Hafrsfjordgata 23 (Våland). To sign up, send an email to We are looking forward to seeing you – and to doin’ some grillin’!
Happy Grilling!
Hi. There was no mention of the price of the course as far as i can see?
I would like to gift this to my husband, but i need to know the cost. :-))
Hi Siri. The price is NOK 1.350. Send me an email if you would like to book a class for him (
Vi er flere som ønsker å lære å grille, men vi bor ca. 2,5 time fra Stavanger. Er det ingen kurs i helger?
Hei Halldis. Vi har dessverre ingen privatkurs i helgene. Vi har prøvd dette før, men det har vært for få påmeldinger. Beklager det. Hilsen Craig