Category Archives: Recipes

Flashback Fridays: To sommeraktiviteter flyttes nå til vinteren

To av sommerens kjekkeste aktiviteter er grilling og båtliv (og med båtliv følger selvfølgelig  fisking og fangst av sjømat). Problemet er at mye av sjømaten vi har her i sjømats-paradiset, er på sitt beste om vinteren. Derfor er det naturlig at vi begynner å fiske og fange cirka et halvt år senere enn vanlig. Det som også er viktig er at mye av denne maten smaker best rett fra grillen. Så, istedenfor å bare grille i juni, juli og august, så må vi fortsette å grille rett gjennom høsten og vinteren for å få med oss favorittene torsk, kamskjell, sjøkreps og co.

Derfor vil jeg dele en liten grill-og-sjømat historie fra min bok “Grillkongen Craig” (Versal, 2006). Ha en fin Flashback Friday.

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Joe Chili & The Sloppy Dogs

Have you ever been really cold? Like lots-of-minus-degrees cold? You finally come inside; the fireplace is blazing. You have removed the layers of coats and sweaters, scarves and gloves, and you are standing, hands outstretched, close to that roaring fireplace. At some point your body joyously responds and you feel that first shudder, head to toe, ridding your body of the chill and slowly introducing it to warmth.

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Flashback Fridays: Pickled onions

Photo: Aina Hole

I have been in the blog business for nearly one month. I have received good help in getting started and I have learned a lot by studying other people´s blogs. Some are very good while others are not my particular cup of tea.

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Aioli To The People

Why all the fuss about aioli? So-called experts say that any aioli not whipped together by hand is not worth eating. Humbug! A good machine-made aioli is better than pretty much anything you will find in a store and as good as or better than most of what you will find prepared by restaurants, cafés and the like. Aioli is unbeatable with vegetables, fish, meats, as a dip, on bread … wait, let´s just say that aioli isn´t that great with dessert, but otherwise good to go!

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Papas con Sausage (Homage til Juan del Fuego)

Since I’m only in Oklahoma for a small part of the year I’ve been forced to make good egg dishes at home, including this one: Juan Herrera’s Papas con Chorizo, a combination of eggs, homemade chorizo, onions, peppers, cheese and Fuego Fries (their wonderful seasoned ‘n fried potatoes). This amazing breakfast is served with warm, fresh corn tortillas and a salsa so good I have considered kidnapping Juan and (if I have to) pistol-whipping the recipe out of him. 

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Flashback Fridays: Grillet Squash Caprese

Boken “Ingen røyk uten grill” (Kagge forlag) kom i 2010, et hektisk år for meg. Jeg hadde nettopp forlatt restaurantbransjen og startet produktutviklingsjobben for REMA 1000. Vår første kampanje kom i 2009, og på dette tidspunktet handlet livet om grill og atter grill.

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