Category Archives: Grillkurs

Nye datoer for grillkurs med Craig våren 2023

Vi har satt opp to datoer for grillkurs der alle kan bli med. Datoene er tirsdag 25. april og onsdag 3. mai, kl 17.00-22.00.

Dette er kurset for dere som vil gjøre noe mer ut av grillingen.Vi griller for harde livet: kjøtt, kylling, diverse sjømat, grønnsaker, og mer. I  tillegg lager vi sauser, marinader og krydderblandinger, salater, sideretter og knallgod dessert.

Kurset er bygget opp slik at kursdeltakerne lager all maten. Craig styrer grillingen og kokkene vår hjelper med tips og råd. Vi bruker både gass- og kullgrill, og vi viser forskjellige typer utstyr som gjør grillingen lettere å håndtere. Det handler om å bruke gode råvarer kombinert med grillkunnskap, om det er bruk av trefliser for å gi mer smak til maten eller langtidsgrilling (indirekte grilling) for større stykker kjøtt og fisk. Vi viser hvordan råvarene skal behandles og metodene som brukes for å få frem det beste i dem. Disse kursene er for dere som vil ta grillingen til det neste nivået. Det blir kjekke, uformelle kvelder med massevis av god mat. 

Pris kr 1.750,- for kurset inkludert maten.

Påmelding på

Grillkurs for alle (Jepp, i 2022)!

Endelig kan vi tilby grillkurs til alle dere sultne grillmat-elskere. Vi har foreløpig satt opp to kurs, så det er bare å melde seg på. Datoene er tirsdag 31. mai og tirsdag 14. juni. Kursene starter kl 17.00 og slutter ca. kl 22.00. Jeg skal selv lede kursene, og jeg tar med noen av vår dyktige kokker. Påmelding på Hjertelig velkommen!

Vi kommer til å lage en haug med mat: kjøtt, sjømat, grønnsaker, sauser, tilbehør og selvfølgelig en god dessert.

Your new life as grillmeister

It’s 2020. Isn’t it about time you upped your grilling game? We have set up three dates for new grill classes this spring. Sign yourself up – or maybe your better half (who might just need to be a little bit better behind the grill), a friend or neighbor.

This year’s classes will feature all new recipes and we will cover all the basics from “Which grill(s) do I really need?”, equipment otherwise and the techniques you need to master to produce even better grilled foods.

The dates are Tuesday, April 28th (only a few places left), Tuesday, May 5th (sorry folks, now full) and Wednesday, May 6th. We start at 5 pm (17:00) and we round off with dessert at about 10 pm (22:00). We will be grilling seafood, red meat and chicken and of course veggies. Participants will also prepare sauces, side dishes and dessert.

To register, send me and e-mail at Looking forward to having you join us in Uthuset!

Grill. Grilled. Shall Grill. Anno 2019

In May, 2019, we will be holding two classes turning, mild, meek, everyday-folks, into killer-grillers. Don’t miss this opportunity to pick up great grill tips and to eat lots of wonderful grilled foods.

Join us!

Grillkongen Craig will be leading the courses. Use this opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the world of grilling and American barbecue, and learn the secrets to creating the most delicious meals in your backyard or at the beach.

Craig will go through the most important steps to successful grilling, and he will talk about grills, equipment, ingredients and more.

When and where?

The dates for the classes are May 7 and May 28 (both Tuesdays). We will get started at 5:00 pm (that’s 17.00 for all y’all locals) and we round off at around 10:00 pm (22.00). Meet up at Uthuset, Hafrsfjordgata 23 (Våland). To sign up, send an email to We are looking forward to seeing you – and to doin’ some grillin’!

Happy Grilling!

Come Join Us!

The final “grill course for all” will be held on Wednesday, September 5th at 5:00 (that´s 17.00 to you locals). What better way to ensure a delicious and fun fall and winter, than out-grilling your friends and neighbors?

Otherwise: We will be hosting team building courses for companies from September until the Christmas holidays (we only have a few available dates left in September but October-December is ready for booking. For more information send me an e-mail at

Continue reading Come Join Us!

Learn To Grill Better Than Your Neighbor (or buddies, or …)

Sure, it´s winter right now, but before you know it springtime will be rearing its lovely head. Even though I don´t approve of packing-away one´s grill when the temperatures start to sink, I truly enjoy seeing people dusting off the lids of their grills when Easter rolls around.

Grilling´s primary goal is to give people something better to do than most of the other stuff they have to do. Grilling is also a great provider when it comes to consuming deliciously charred morsels of breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. The only problem is that some of us wish we could do a better job behind the grill, and that my friends, is why we offer grilling classes each and every spring (and early fall).

Here are 2018´s first classes. We already have folks who have signed up, but there are still places available for all three classes.

In the mean time, here´s a photo my favorite burger anywhere, from Nic´s in Oklahoma City. Who needs Paris or Tokyo? This baby will blow your socks off.

Continue reading Learn To Grill Better Than Your Neighbor (or buddies, or …)

New grill course in August!

“Grillkurs med Kongen”

med H.R.S. Grillkongen Craig, u.f.

Onsdag 30. august: Grill it!

We have set up a new grill course on Wednesday, August 30, 2017. For more information in English send us an e-mail.

Dette er kurset for dere som vil gjøre noe mer ut av grillingen. Vi griller for harde livet: kjøtt, kylling, diverse sjømat, grønnsaker, og mer. I tillegg lager vi sauser, marinader og krydderblandinger, salater, sideretter og knallgod dessert.

Continue reading New grill course in August!

Kursplan våren 2017 og flere nye tilbud på teambuilding/bedriftskurs

Det er en glede å presentere vårens kursprogram i Uthuset. I år tilbyr vi også noen nye typer kurs for bedrifter og vennegjenger; dette i tillegg til våre vanlige teambuildinger/kurs.

Kursplan våren 2017. Disse kursene er åpne for alle!

“Grillkurs med Kongen” med H.R.S. Grillkongen Craig, u.f.

Mandag 8. mai: Grilling og atter grilling! (begrenset plass)

Tirsdag 30. mai: : Grilling og atter grilling: fokus på Burgers & Dogs

Onsdag 31. mai: Grilling og atter grilling! (begrenset plass)


Continue reading Kursplan våren 2017 og flere nye tilbud på teambuilding/bedriftskurs