You Say Omelet, I Say Frittata

Today is Easter Sunday (Happy Easter Everyone!), so I have chosen the obvious route for today´s blog: eggs. There are so many wonderful egg creations out there and even the most basic such as scrambled or soft-boiled are among the greatest eats to be found anywhere.

One of my favorites is the Italian frittata, an omelet but then again not. A frittata is easy to prepare, and using vegetables, meats, herbs or cheeses, it is a no-brainer to make your frittata your own.

You can use butter or good olive oil in the pan. The oil will push the frittata more towards Italy while butter is more a nod to the French. But the frittata is not cooked like an omelet, and this my friends makes the frittata uniquely Italian.


The process is simple: Whip the eggs together, warm the fat in the pan and cook the eggs just long enough that the edge has set. After that finish your frittata by placing a lid over the pan (to steam finish) or even better place the pan in the oven until the eggs are cooked.

The best frittata I ever ate was in Napa Valley in California. Bob Biale (co-founder of my all-time favorite zinfandel producer Biale) was gracious enough to bring me and his business partner Dave Pramuk home to his parents´ house for lunch. Biale´s mother had prepared an amazing Italian lunch, and the superstar was her frittata using locally-grown vegetables. This recipe is an homage to the Biale family and their dedication to making great wines.


The Black Chicken Fritatta

4 Tbs extra virgin olive oil

1/2 onion, in thin slices

sea salt

6 egg

1 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano

freshly-ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 500°

  1. Warm the oil on low heat in a large teflon pan.
  2. Sauté the onion slices. Add a bit of salt to the onions and sauté until they have a rich golden color. And remember: Low heat!
  3. Whip the eggs together i a bowl.
  4. Add the cheese, a healty dose of black pepper and a bit of salt to the eggs. 5. Spread the onions evenly over the bottom of the pan and gently pour in the egg mixture.
  5. Cook the frittata on low heat until the edge is set but the center of the frittata still on the wobbly side.
  6. Move the pan to the oven (keep a sharp eye on the frittata, especially if you choose to use the grill element in your oven) until the frittata has just set.


Fresh herbs (parsley, basil, rosmary), bits of salami or other sausage, shrimp and other goodies can also be added to your frittata. Raw sausage or shrimp should be cooked in the pan before adding the eggs.

Serve your frittata as as antipasti or a delicious lunch. It´s also a miracle cure after an evening drinking your favorite zinfandel.










In Norwegian:

The Black Chicken Fritatta

4 ss extravirgin olivenolje

1/2 løk, skåret i tynne skiver


6 egg

2 dl Parmigiano-Reggiano

nykvernet sort pepper

Forvarm ovnen på 250°, ev. høyere

  1. Varm oljen i en stor (gjerne teflon-) stekepanne.
  2. Ha løkskivene i oljen over lav varme. Ha på litt salt og stek løken til gyllenbrun i fargen. Husk: lav varme!
  3. Pisk sammen eggene i en bolle.
  4. Bland osten og godt med pepper sammen med eggene. Tilsett litt mer salt og rør godt sammen.
  5. Spre løkskivene over bunnen i pannen og hell forsiktig i eggeblandingen.
  6. Stek frittataen på lav varme til den er nokså fast rundt kanten men fremdeles flytende på toppen.
  7. Flytt pannen til ovnen (følg godt med hvis du bruker grillelementet) til frittataen er så vidt fast i konsistensen.


Det smaker ikke akkurat vondt å tilsette urter (persille, basilikum, rosmarin), pølsebiter eller scampi til denne oppskriften. Stek rå kjøtt eller scampi i oljen før du tilsetter eggeblandingen.

Server frittata som antipasti eller som en lett lunsj. Utrolig lurt som nattmat etter noen glass god zinfandel …



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